
A great year for the Northern Folkway

By Baz Bardoe

Anyone who has studied archaeology or anthropology over the last few decades would be familiar with the politically motivated version of human evolution which we are told is the only acceptable explanation of who we are and how we got here.

According to this version of events we are all descended from a bloke who lived in Africa about one million years ago. (Of course he wasn’t a ‘bloke’ in any sense we could now understand the term. He was a proto human and wouldn’t have looked in the least like Denzel Washington, or Nelson Mandela, or in fact anyone we might now tend to think of as being uniquely ‘African’.) This distant ancestor supposedly had plenty of children and over a period of thousands of years these early pre humans spread out of Africa, and across the rest of the world, gradually turning into the different racial groups we see today, albeit all of the same modern human type. About five thousand years ago complex socialisation started to emerge in the ‘Fertile Crescent’, and from there ‘civilisation’ spread to the rest of the world. Us Northerners were always presented as being backward throwbacks on the periphery of civilisation, who didn’t really do much until a few hundred years ago when we built a vast navy, conquered almost the entire world, and set about inventing almost every modern technological widget imaginable from concrete to televisions, anaesthetic to jet engines. Late bloomers in the context of civilisation if you like.

Anthropologists tend to pride themselves on not being racist or political in their observations, but when it comes to anything about Nordish people, that rule goes right out the window. The explanation for the origin of Nordish peoples was that we are ‘mutants’ who popped up a mere eight thousand years ago as a result of Afroid people not getting enough UV. The fact that this flies in the face of all the evidence says a great deal about the success of the Left’s ‘long march through the Universities’ in the 1950’s, 60’s and 70’s. Enemy number one was the then dominant Anglo paradigm, and nothing would stand in the way of demolishing it, including facts.

Over the last few years however we have seen some pretty significant finds that are causing some gnashing of teeth amongst the baby boomer socialists, and a sigh of relief from anyone genuinely interested in anthropology, archaeology and all that sort of thing. Nordish mummies dating back at least 8000 years have been found throughout Western China, and their clothing and personal effects provides tantalising circumstantial evidence about the true origins of that nation’s complex socialisation. Nordish DNA is also found in the male upper caste Indians, suggesting a small band of males lent their DNA to the region. (The fact that India now has a caste system and the Norse also had a caste system, albeit a ‘meritocracy’, is also a tantalising piece of the puzzle.) More recently the remains of early ‘Aryan’ civilisation have been found in the Ukraine, complete with plenty of swastikas daubed on the walls, and proto runic scripts. (Relax people, the swastika is an ancient holy symbol….) All across Germany ‘observatory’ sites have been found dating back at least 8000 years. Archaeo-genetics now shows us that over 80% of the population of the UK are descended from the same few hundred ancestors who travelled to that land on foot some 13,000 years ago, making the British one of the world’s oldest indigenous peoples – a remarkable feat considering the subsequent cultural overlays.
Fossil evidence also now indicates that as recently as 30,000 years ago there was at least three quite different modern human types, and that the people now occupying Africa may well have remigrated there. It paints a picture of human evolvement that is more complex than previously admitted, and in terms of Nordish anthropology, vastly more ancient.

A look at the basics of how Nordish physical characteristics are passed on also supports this. Blue eyes are a ‘recessive’ gene for example. Two blue eyed people must have a blue eyed child, but if a blue eyed person has a child with a brown eyed person, that child will always be brown eyed unless the brown eyed person is carrying a blue eyed recessive gene. If this popped up just 8000 years ago as a one off genetic ‘mutation’, how is it that homogenous blue eyed communities exist, and how could they have come into being in such a (relatively) short space of time? The current ‘explanation’ suggests that a one off mutation almost instantly resulted in a large amount of similar, culturally homogenous people, even though their genetics are recessive. It doesn’t make sense. A longer period of time and a strict exclusion of non recessive genetics is the only explanation. Quite how this all happened may never be known. Some have suggested selective breeding which is certainly not unknown in the ancient world.

Why is all this important? For most people it isn’t but for anthropologists and their ilk, the pursuit of truth is supposed to be at the core of our discipline. And for those who follow the Northern Folkway, there is a belief that we carry the ancestral consciousness of our people within us. Anthropologists may call it ‘cultural DNA” and indigenous peoples may refer to the spirits of the ancestors and the sacred connection between the present and the past. But for us, the past is carried within us. What our ancestors did, what they achieved, and the antiquity of the cultural and spiritual aspects of the Folkway are important truths that need to be recognised. For a long time now there has been a double standard in place. We are encouraged to respect all other indigenous cultures and to delve into their antiquity with objectivity, but when it comes to my own…..it has been politicised and treated very poorly. Ultimately it is simply about unravelling layers of truth and attempting to gain greater understanding of our origins and place in the world.

Many Nordish peoples now find themselves on a path of cultural and spiritual rediscovery, and some refer to this as ‘Odinism’ or ‘Asatru’. We find the remnants of the ‘old’ Gods under the Christian overlay which has existed for a millennia, but long before the Iron Age pantheon there was an even more ancient strand of culture and belief that continues to this day and shows itself in myriad customs, values and traditions. Long before the Iron Age Gods, there were other, more primal Gods who have existed in the consciousness of the Nordish people for millennia. Stories of a ‘war’ between the Asa and Vanir Gods point to an overlay of the Iron Age pantheon over something vastly more ancient. 8000 and more years ago the ancestors painted the holy symbol of the sun, the swastika on walls, and no doubt placed evergreen foliage around their dwellings as a symbolic invocation of the forces of spring and renewal, so yearned for in midwinter. At this time of year especially it is worth pondering how Nordish ‘mutants’ have been doing very similar things for thousands of years.

The origins of the Northern Folkway lie somewhere in the vast expanses of time between 8000 and 40,000 years ago. Incredibly, much of what was done thousands of years ago, is still being done today. And if evolutionary psychologist Geoffrey Miller is correct, our brains are still much the same, and we process things in much the same manner. Mobile phones may be new, but our ‘worldview’ if you like, hasn’t changed that much.

This was at the core of my decision to establish Ull’s Hearth, in an attempt to pass on the smatterings of knowledge I have inherited, and form a focus for a greater sense of antiquity than often presently exists. Rune warriors, a merit based caste system, the two main warrior cults, and our system of shamanism all stem from the stone age. Archaeology is starting to reveal more and more of what a handful have been teaching all along. Overall it’s been a great year for the Northern Folkway.


Russian traditionalist community


Acorn Hollow: an Odinist education resource

We thought we should share this useful website with the readers of this site. There is plenty of information relevant for both homeschooling and other families.



New book on Odinism available now

Our friend Osred has written a book on Odinism. It is available to order direct from the publisher now.

Essentially, after death each soul experiences whatever is required in order for it to proceed to a higher level.

Odinism impels us on the upward path to the next stage of our spiritual and physical progress. Not everyone is capable of accepting this challenge, but those of us who are not afraid of change should read this book. 

Osred follows in the tradition of earlier Australian Odinist leaders, pioneers and artists such as Rud Mills, Evelyn Price, Annie Lennon, Norman Lindsay, Kenneth Slessor and Rayner Hoff, as he now relates the eternal Odinist quest of our people to the 21st century. 

The front cover image is of the ‘Double Helix’ nebula at the heart of the Milky Way, which resembles the shape of our basic genetic replicating mechanism. This nebula was discovered in 2006, and it is unique – all other nebulae are either spiral or formless. This one shows the highest degree of order yet discovered in space, and therefore reflects the will to perfection of the timeless gods and goddesses of our Indo-European people.


Dark Green Romanticism

by the Tasmanian National-Anarchists

The recent revelations demolishing the consensus on ‘manmade global warming’ have done immense damage to the cause of ecology. These scandals are a direct result of the hijacking of the environmental movement by the extreme Left (and please note, by ‘Left’ we refer exclusively to the globalist Left, not the old fashioned left which just wanted a fair go for the worker). The Left hitched its wagon to the ‘manmade warming’ theory because it appeared to give them a perfect excuse to bring about their cherished aim of global governance. As a result, ecology has been reduced to a matter of ‘carbon emissions’.

But now even Phil Jones, the top level scientist who advised the UN on climate matters, has gone on record admitting there has been no warming in the last fifteen years:



Meanwhile, in Germany, the Greens Party seems to have abandoned its concern for the natural world, instead focussing its attention on politically correct enterprises like supporting the bombing of Belgrade (all those Serbs had to be killed for ‘humanitarian’ reasons, according to German Green leaders).

The green movement, which started with noble intentions, has clearly been subverted from within by globalists. It is now time for genuine environmentalists to examine where their movement is headed, and to assess how much damage has been done by these Leftist infiltrators.

In our view, the hijacking of the ecology movement by the Left has done massive amounts of damage, not only in terms of the reduction of ecology to phony statements about ‘carbon emissions’, but also by alienating the common folk from the movement by hitching environmentalism to currents which most people don’t agree with (e.g. ‘progressivist’ causes, and increased statism).

Strength and Beauty

The truth is, we need wilderness areas not because they function as utilitarian ‘carbon sinks’ (a disgusting term) but because they enable us to transcend the mundane. We need a non-human world of beauty and terror for warriors and dreamers to lose themselves in.

Environmental aesthetics shouldn’t just extend to wilderness areas, however. They are equally important in the human environment. Towns and villages, too, are ecosystems, with both human and natural elements. Ecology means opposing the sterile, cosmopolitan ugliness of our modern cities, and replacing this with meaningful and beautiful folkish architecture which is unique to each place, thereby rejecting the internationalism which makes London look like Sydney look like Paris look like Madrid.

It also means destroying corporate advertising billboards.

Famed Tasmanian wilderness photographer Olegas Truchanas once asked: “Is there any reason why the idea of beauty could not become part of government policy?” Unfortunately this can never happen under the current liberal system, because liberalism regards the idea of ‘beauty’ as deeply suspect, perhaps even as ‘fascist’.

The Many-Too-Many

Most of our environmental problems stem, directly or indirectly, from the one cause: overpopulation.

Overpopulation is not merely a threat to quality of life, either – it also exacerbates the danger of global tyranny by promoting large scale societies, more easily brought under control by a centralised world government. Although population levels in the Western world are starting to decline, in the so-called ‘Third World’ they are booming. Perhaps the best way to combat overpopulation is by supporting movements to promote birth control in the Third World.

But quantity isn’t the only concern. Quality is just as important, and humans in the West are becoming more stupid and slovenly with each generation. Television and the liberal education system are dumbing down the populace like never before.

Guillaume Faye observed that “the technocratic civilisation operates an intense selective pressure in favour of human types who are oriented towards such dispositions as economic aggression, submission to doctrine, devotion to certain norms of physical comfort and so forth. Such a pressure is genetically deleterious.”

So how can we reverse this genetic, mental and spiritual decline, without the use of governments or coercion?

Only through a new spirituality…

‘Let us be wild! Let us be pagans!’

Paganism needs to be reclaimed from the Wiccan stereotypes (Wicca isn’t paganism, it’s a feminised version of Judeo-Christianity with a Goddess instead of a God). Real paganism is folkish, and folkish spirituality goes hand in hand with environmentalism. Preserving the health of the folk is just as important as preserving the health of the ecosystem.

Environmentalism was created in Europe in the 19th century, not by globalists or communists, but by FOLKISH NATIONALISTS. Many of these early environmentalists supported the Nation State, but in our own time nationalists should directly oppose the State, because the State (acting as an arm of globalism) is crushing regional identities all over the world.

To be a nationalist today means supporting the struggle of ALL tribes and nations to maintain their identity in the face of globalist monoculture.

Gerhard Petak from the band Allerseelen wrote: “Folkish is today a dangerous word. Like the words home, roots, loyalty it is situated in the cross wires of an omnipresent brainwashing. Those who use this word are pushed close to the Third Reich. But the foreign policy of the Third Reich was not folkish at all. The principle that the peoples were different, but equal of birth, was not taken into consideration.”

Petak also believes that scientific developments and technology cannot be undone, for better or worse. It may be possible for some individuals to lead a luddite lifestyle, but technology itself can never be abolished. Instead, it must be transcended:

“Tradition and future, spirituality and technology, wisdom and science, mythos and logos have to meet without fighting, destroying each other. That is the difficulty, the art of alchemy. A green paganism has to be conservative avant garde, in some areas conservative, in others revolutionary.”

Which way forward?

Greens must begin by rejecting their support for open borders immigration, which only benefits the capitalists they claim to oppose. The fact that so many greens sympathise with the Left is remarkable, given the bad track record of Communist regimes towards the environment.

Ecologists also need to adopt a more warrior outlook – that is the only way they will ever get respect from the public. Steve Irwin had a warrior demeanour and was greatly respected, even by those who hate ‘greenies’ and ‘ferals’. Germaine Greer, on the other hand, attacked Irwin after his death (for this very trait) but is not well loved. Ironically (given Greer’s feminist views), more women would sympathise with Steve Irwin than they would with her.

Joe Sixpack has come to see the green movement as the provenance of dreadlocked, arrogant communists. To counter this, the green movement as a whole must cut its ties to the Left, and instead forge ties with national revolutionary groups who believe in genuine self-sufficiency. It must also attempt to build better ties with ordinary people.

The creation of smaller groups of activists and thinkers, people who are already on equal terms, is probably the best way to go (to avoid the ego clashes and ‘messiah complexes’ so common in politics). Large movements are open to Leftist or government infiltration. Think small.

And finally, while the green movement’s rejection of modern society is understandable (given how shallow that society is in many regards), greens must not be blinded to human potential. Man and nature have their own spheres, but they aren’t rigidly separate. The spheres are interlinked materially through the common biosphere, and culturally through the inspiration wild nature has always provided for artists, poets and philosophers. We owe nature a duty of care first and foremost because we owe ourselves a duty of care.

Heidegger wrote that the role of mankind is “to enable the earth to bring forth a world.” That is the eternal Faustian quest which Western man must engage with, or die.

The only alternative is the triumph of materialism.

In other words: the triumph of the Left.


Climate science – poles apart

Most of our readers will be familiar with the ‘Climategate’ controversy, which erupted last November and continues to rage on the internet. Climategate is interesting for several reasons; it touches not only on matters of ecology and politics, but also philosophy of science (is peer-reviewed research necessarily objective? See this article for some interesting discussion: http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748704041504575045334195791838.html)

So why do we mention Climategate? Because we have discovered a link to a book on climate science which purports to be completely objective – examining the claims of sceptics and then measuring them against those of manmade warming believers. You can find out more about it here:


As far as sceptical websites go, this one appears to be the most comprehensive:


Judge for yourself who is right. We recommend these links for anyone who has time to wade through all the material (we certainly don’t!).

Good luck…


Sea Shepherd

Sea Shepherd is a radical environmental organisation that will be known to many of our readers. Even those who disagree with Sea Shepherd’s aims must respect their courage and tenacity in putting their ideas into practice.

Sea Shepherd have a reputation as a pirate organisation, with a skull and crossbones type symbol as their logo. However, they have also been described as a vigilante group (i.e. operating as law enforcers – the exact opposite of pirates). So perhaps their skull logo is more a matter of aesthetics than anything?

Sea Shepherd’s best known ship is named after Steve Irwin, the ‘Crocodile Hunter’, and Irwin was going to join Sea Shepherd for an expedition before his untimely death. He donated considerable sums of money to the group.

For more info on Sea Shepherd please visit their website:


Sea Shepherd’s Australian branch has a website also:



Thin Santa

Everyone knows the stereotype of the person who is ‘politically correct’ – officious, a killjoy, concerned with matters of minute dogma – especially those concerning ‘correct’ use of language (Orwell’s 1984 with its invented PC language ‘Newspeak’ was way ahead of its time in terms of satire).

But while much ink has been spilled on how PC originated with the Frankfurt Institute for Social Research, a simpler clue to the motivation of PC types (who are actually very few in number) may lie in this recent article from a science website:


Dr. Nathan Grills from Monash University believes that Santa Claus should be portrayed only on an exercise treadmill, and not as the jolly fat fellow we all know from childhood – because “Santa only needs to affect health by 0.1% to damage millions of lives”.

While we here at Tasna think that physical fitness is an admirable thing, we also think it’s ludicrous that a folk myth should be destroyed due to the vague possibility it could cause a tiny fragment of the population to overeat (and did anyone force them to?).

PC originates in precisely this mentality. By destroying the organic and irrational, PC types think they can ‘save’ people from harm, just like fundamentalists think they can ‘save’ people’s souls by converting them to their own brand of religion.

But what Dr. Grills fails to realise is that the ordinary person despises this kind of social engineering. If Santa went PC, then many people would overeat as a form of protest – vastly outnumbering those who were ‘saved’ by Grills’ propaganda.


Tooth and Claw

There is often an influx of abandoned kittens and puppies in the aftermath of the Christmas period.

We would like to take this opportunity to highlight the work done by two worthy community organisations in the Greater Hobart area, namely the Hobart Cat Centre:


and the Hobart Dogs’ Home:


If you are considering getting a pet cat or dog, consider adopting one from these places rather than going to a pet shop and supporting the pet farming industry, where breeding mothers are often kept in appalling conditions.

The Hobart Cat Centre also runs the Black Cat op-shop at 441 Main Road, Glenorchy, and another op-shop at 1717 Channel Highway, Margate.


Book review: ‘Confessions of an Economic Hit Man’ by John Perkins

Published by Ebury Press
Reviewed by Andreas Faust

Kermit Roosevelt (Teddy’s grandson) fomented street riots in Iran in 1951 in order to effect a regime change there.

Sound familiar?

A decade or two later Robert McNamara came along, setting new precedents in the erosion of boundaries between government and corporate sectors.

Then, to complete the picture, the Economic Hit Men arrived…

Economic Hit Men (EHMs) work for private corporations, but are sanctioned by US government intelligence services (according to the author John Perkins, who used to be one). They are ‘selected’ (not employed) by these intelligence services…and are technically private employees, so personal or corporate greed can then be blamed if they are ‘busted’.

In Indonesia, Perkins was put in charge of cooking the books, making economic prospects look greater than they actually were. Once his inflated figures were accepted, the World Bank etc. would move in, offering huge loans for development, which could only be paid back when the high growth (falsely forecast by Perkins and co.) occurred. But it never did occur, leaving the countries in question saddled with massive debt as a result. The aim of Perkins and his fellow EHMs was to keep these countries in the USA’s debt as long as possible…and not only so-called ‘third world’ countries, either – Perkins went to Iceland recently to talk to people there about the dangers they face in the wake of their economy collapsing.

Because of the debts created by EHMs on infrastructure projects, the governments of the affected nations can no longer help their own citizens out of impoverishment.

Perkins himself acknowledges that some of the original World Bank types acted as they did for honourable reasons…they genuinely believed they could save the countries in question from Communism and terrorism by promoting their own brand of ‘growth’. But ironically, Communism and terrorism were often caused by the very policies of the World Bank itself. Advocates of US economic imperialism claim that it boosts the GNP of the countries in question, but these GNP figures are deceptive – they continue to rise, even when the profit only goes to a handful of people.

Perkins’ own misgivings begin to creep in when he learned to speak Bahasa Indonesia, and realised that the locals referred to him by words meaning ‘inquisitor’ or ‘interrogator’. Clearly they had received orders to comply with him, and resented it. He then began to suspect the information they provided him with was cooked…but not by them. He also started to doubt the value of the ‘Western’ lifestyle he was exporting. Decadence, divorce, drug abuse, suicide – are these things really worth promoting?

While Perkins describes global empire as “the dream of a few greedy men,” greed is not the only motivation for creating such an empire – it can also be ideological or spiritual, as with Communism and Islam. But these latter haven’t been as successful in their aims of world domination as Capitalism has. The fact is, much of today’s Western affluence rests on the exploitation of workers in Chinese sweatshops.

So what is the solution? Large scale immigration is obviously no answer, as it just puts the burden of ‘guilt’ on ordinary Westerners rather than the bigwigs and corporate traitors. It also causes a ‘skills drain’ in the countries the immigrants come from. In my view, the best way to help both the ‘West’ and the ‘third world’ is to promote independence and autonomy for the peoples of both.

So how do we do that?

In ‘Confessions of an Economic Hit Man’, an Indonesian quotes Arnold Toynbee to the effect that Capitalism can never be overcome by reason, only by faith (Toynbee, at the height of the Cold War, had already predicted that Islam would outlast Communism as the main ‘adversary’ of the Western system). So what kind of ‘faith’ is available to those of us who aren’t Muslims, and who dislike the notion of blind belief and servitude?

National-Anarchism is one such faith – a political path to a better future. And folkish heathenism is another – a faith in our ancestors and in our descendants, and a step towards a richer spiritual understanding of ourselves and the world around us. Those are the paths I am following. And others are increasingly following suit…

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National-Anarchism: the Political Adventure of the 21st Century

Reclaiming anarchism from the universalist 'Left'...reclaiming nationalism from the jingoist 'Right'...
